Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Become a Big Winner in Home Buying

Buying a makati condo is both a business and personal decision. More specifically, it is the process by which both the rewards and risks are weighed in making a decision. As always, decision should be made with a balance between the business and personal considerations. Here are some important points to consider when buying a Philippines property.
Invest confidently - For the most part, investing in makati condo is a wise business decision. Though it goes to some downtrend, it overall direction is upwards. Thus, such investment is good for those who have the fortitude to stay in the industry despite some lows in the market. In the long run, 5 to 10 years, rewards are almost 100% sure.

Build Equity - Buying a makati condo eventually increases your equity as owner of the Philippines property. The value of real estate property always increases over time, thus your equity grows substantially as years pass by.

Paying your loan builds the equity of the owner as part of the payment is applied to the principal. You can use these accumulated equity to apply for refinancing of a larger loan. Thus, you are able to take advantage of downward movement in interest rates when using this approach.

Downside of homeownership is that you can't just bail out on a mortgaged property when things get messy in the area. Zoning changes can affect the value of your property.

Be aware of economic changes and certain market forces that can have a bearing on how this kind of investment performs. But in its entirety, any downtrend is a sure signal that once the tipping point is reached, the next phase would be a boom for that sector. What is essential is that you are able to ride out the fluctuations of the industry.

About the Author
Deirdre Gonzales is a business entrepreneur from Cebu City Philippines. She's now based in Florida and writes in her spare time for various websites including Atayala.com

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